Cast members will receive a paycheck each Thursday for the hours worked the week prior. If they are using housing, they will also be deducted for their rent (for the week prior).
Cast members can view their pay stub on Disney Cast Life at the beginning of the week, however it will be deposited into their bank account/ pay card on Thursday.
When viewing a pay stub, earnings will appear on the left-hand side of the pay stub and deductions and taxes will appear on the right-hand side of the pay stub. Rent deductions will appear under the After-Tax Deduction section.
It is important to pay attention to the Current and Year-to-Date columns. Current and Year-to-Date columns indicate the earnings or deductions for both the current period and the year-to-date.
- The amount in the Current column is the amount deducted or added to the current paycheck.
- The amount in the Year-to-Date column is the sum of all earnings or deductions up to and including the current paycheck.
- If you see an amount in the Current column, you should also see an amount in the Year-to-Date column. However, if you see an amount in the Year-to-Date column, you may not necessarily have a current deduction/earning for this period.
Example: You receive a paycheck on Thursday, May 12. This check is for the hours you worked Sunday, May 1-Saturday, May 7. If enrolled in housing, you will also see a rent deduction for the week of Sunday, May 1-Saturday, May 7. That week's deduction will appear in the Current column under After-Tax Deduction. The Year-to-Date column will show you the sum of everything you have been deducted for this calendar year.
For more information about your paycheck, or to contact payroll, current cast members may visit Disney Cast Life.
If you are an operating participant, please contact your HR department for questions about payroll or your housing cost.