You will receive the link to the I-9 Service Center from The Walt Disney Company I-9 Service Center (Fragomen), 3-4 weeks prior to your arrival.
The below steps must be completed in order to receive your itinerary:
- Section 1 is time-sensitive, so please complete and submit them as soon as you have received the link.
- Section 2 You will designate an authorized representative to verify your documents. This can be any adult, who can access a computer and your documents to verify them.
- Your Workday paperwork should also be completed at this time.
Below are some tips for how to accurately complete Form I-9, which is one of the required new hire forms. We cannot accept any I-9 forms that are not properly completed.
Tip #1! When logging into the site you will be sent a one time use temp password. It can take up to 15 mins to receive the password. Please wait for the password to arrive in your inbox so you do not reset the password to a new password before you get the original requested password.
- You will receive an email from The Walt Disney Company I-9 Service Center.
- Be sure to read each step and add the appropriate information.
- When requesting a pin please wait up to 30 min to receive the pin prior to requesting an additional pin.
- Your Hire date will be the Friday of your Arrival Week
Here are some helpful tips for two of the steps that may require some clarification:
Step 1:
Collect documentation required and click on the button on the right to continue.
Step 2
Name: Enter your name exactly as it appears on your government-issued ID.
Here is an example:
Walter Elias Disney World
o First Name: Walter
o Last Name: Disney World (include all surnames listed on government issued ID)
o Middle Initial: E
Step 3
Home Address Boxes: You must include a US-based address
Step 4
Date of Birth: In format MM/DD/YYYY
U.S. Social Security Number:
Step 5
Citizenship Status and Employment: Click the “for more details” to assist you in choosing your proper status.
Number Type
Select the document that you will be uploading (example: passport, or SS Card and Drivers License)
For a list of acceptable documents please click here.
If you do not have access to your documents your authorized rep will also have the ability to upload a picture of them as well.
Tip #2! Please take your time with the picture. The document must be easily readable with no missing corners. For a passport you will include the signature portion in the picture.