Congratulations on your offer! We wanted to pass along important information regarding DORMS registration. DORMS Registration is required for all participants.
What is DORMS registration?
DORMS registration is where you will have the opportunity to let us know your apartment preferences and additional information for your program and is mandatory for all participants to complete.
Is there a deadline to complete DORMS registration?
Yes, however every participant will have differing timelines. We encourage you to complete DORMS registration as soon as it is offered to you. The deadline will be specific to your arrival date and will be noted in your invitation to complete DORMS registration.
I am planning to opt-in to housing during my DORMS registration, what do I need to know?
Once you opt-in to housing during DORMS registration you are acknowledging your obligation to remain in housing through the duration of your program start and end date. You will not be able to update this selection after the registration window closes. Please note, once you opt-in to housing you will subsequently receive a lease agreement for Flamingo Crossings Village.
Am I able to link with roommates?
When linking with potential roommates, you may be offered the opportunity to link with zero or one other roommate. Please visit our Support Site (I Want to Link With a Roommate) for tips about linking with a roommate.
Does housing offer a mixed-gender option?
Yes, please visit our Support Site (Mixed-Gender Housing) to learn more about the mixed-gender option.
Do I need to register that I am bringing a vehicle with me during DORMS registration?
Yes, you will need to let us know if you plan on bringing a vehicle, however, it is not guaranteed at this point to have a parking spot. You will need to pay for a parking hangtag to reserve a spot for your vehicle. Parking spots are limited and are sold on a first-come-first-serve basis and only those who register a vehicle during DORMS registration will have the opportunity to purchase a hangtag.
What information do I need to know if am planning to opt-out of housing?
College and Culinary Programs are required to opt-in or opt-out of housing during the DORMS registration process. Please note that you can only opt-out of housing during the registration period. After registration has closed, you are obligated to remain in housing for the duration of your program. If you opt-out of housing, you may have the option to opt back into housing at a later time if you are not able to find alternative housing and if inventory is available. If you are not sure of your new address during registration, please use an "X" in the required fields. When you have your new address, you may update it with us by submitting a request at the top of the page. International participants are not eligible to opt-out of housing.
For additional information about opting out of housing please visit our Support Site (I Would Like to Opt-Out of Housing).
What is the Enrollment verification form?
During DORMS registration, you may be prompted to let us know if you will be a full-time student during your program. For more information, please visit our Support Site (DORMS Registration: School Enrollment Information).
I am having trouble with DORMS can you assist?
If you experience issues with DORMS, please view our self-service tips by submitting a ticket on our Support Site.
DORMS Registration Walkthrough