When uploading documents into DOC, please ensure you are using a PC and not a mobile device. Clearing your internet browser's cache and cookies can also be helpful. DOC works best when using Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
Once you successfully upload your document, please refresh your screen - this will prompt the system to generate additional items for you to complete if required at that time.
Additionally, please make sure to log into DOC at least once every 30 days to verify you do not have any additional incomplete documents added to your required documents, and ensure you are still able to access the system.
Uploading pre-interview
While it is highly recommended that you upload your documents in DOC prior to your interview, it is not a requirement. If you are in the interview process and do not currently have a valid passport, you may want to consider renewing or applying for one now. Should you subsequently receive an offer to participate in the program, you would then be required to upload all necessary documents (including your passport) by the deadlines noted in your offer.
Additional FAQs:
How can I upload more than one file?
How do I know what information is required and when should I be updating DOC?
Can I upload a photo of my document?
How do I change/update information I entered in DOC?
When will I know that the documents I uploaded have been accepted?
Why does my item keep going back to “Incomplete”?
The multi-page document I want to upload consists of multiple files. How can I upload more than one file?
Your files must be combined into a single document for upload. We recommend uploading documents as an Adobe PDF file that is less than 4.5MB in size. There are several ways that this can be accomplished:
- Scan the files as a multi-page Adobe PDF file.
- Insert images into a Microsoft Word compatible document (.doc/.docx format).
If you are working with a Procurement Ally, they can assist you with this process.
How do I know what information is required and when should I be updating DOC?
All items that are in the “Incomplete” section should be updated as soon as you have the information available.
If you are unsure what information is required, please click on the “Upload/Input” link and more information will be displayed. If you are not ready to provide the information, you can click “Cancel” and this will return you to the menu.
Check back throughout the process as different items may become required as your arrival date approaches.
Can I upload a photo of my document?
We would prefer that you scan your documents before uploading them. If a scanner is not available, you may take a photo of your documents; however, it must meet the following qualifications:
- The document is completely legible in the photo.
- The top, bottom and sides of the document are not cut off in any way.
- The photo is not too dark.
- There is no flash glare on the document.
- Photos are taken on a flat surface.
- Photos are not taken at an angle.
Please Note: Photos will be rejected by the Recruitment Team if they do not meet all of these requirements. If they are rejected, the item will reappear in the “Incomplete” section and you will receive an e-mail explaining why.
How do I change/update information I entered in DOC?
It is possible to change/update information you entered if you see the option “Edit”.
If you do not see the option to edit the information, please contact us at support.disneyprograms.com.
When will I know that the documents I uploaded have been accepted?
Our team will be verifying the documents and information you provided. Please know that this could take several days before we are able to review your documents. Once we review your documents, they will be returned to your “Incomplete” section if there is an error.
Why does my item keep going back to “Incomplete”?
There are two different reasons why your item may keep going back to "Incomplete" status:
- The file name currently contains international characters or symbols (including dashes). Your file name can only include characters from the English language.
- Example: Mary Passport, Jonathan Visa, Maia PSSF
- The file may have been rejected due to an error. If you do not understand why your item was rejected, please contact us at support.disneyprograms.com.
Please do not re-upload the same document if it has already been rejected.
If you continue to encounter difficulties uploading your documents, please click here to submit a request so that we can assist you further.